
中央研究院GIS聯合實驗室在過去數年與中研院院內許多系所及院外學術單位在空間資訊整合及發展相關資訊處理技術上, 已建立其研究支援與服務模式。藉由不同領域學者與研發團隊的合作,使得資料品質更為嚴謹、應用彈性更高,充分發揮系統與資料價值之整合能力。
  Electronic Cultural Atlas Initiative
ECAI is a collaborative project which combines global mapping, imagery, and texts. ECAI provides scholars and other users with a research resource based on digital technology which presents complex combinations of data from multiple disciplines visually and immediately.
  Great Britain Historical GIS Project
creating a major GIS that will contain the changing boundaries of all the major administrative and statistical reporting areas of Great Britain.
Mapping Europe's Historic Boundaries and Borders
Our concern is with mapping the changing boundaries of administrative units, from parishes and communes up to nations and empires, as a framework for studying the European past.
UKBORDERS On-Line Digital Boundary Data (Edinburgh Univ.)
It is a web-based Interface that provides digitised boundary datasets of the UK, available in many GIS formats.
FGDC(The Federal Geographic Data committee)
The Federal Geographic Data Committee coordinates the development of the National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI).
Gepgraphy Earth Week
A weekly summary of important natural and manmade events in the environment worldwide.(Archive summaries available.) archives of 95-97 are on earthweek.com.
Earth and Moon Viewer
A Web site where you can view the Earth in many different ways, including by latitude and longitude, above various cities, etc.
A Web site with a lot of information about geography, including many maps, news, and a glossary of terms. It also includes many links to other sites.
GEOnet Names-National Imagery and Mapping Agency(NIMA)
The GEOnet Names Server(GNS) provides access to the National Imagery and Mapping Agency's(NIMA) database of foreign geographic feature names.
Oceanogrphy from the Space Shuttle
  This is a photographic survey of oceanic phenomenon visible to the naked eye acquired by NASA astronauts. Included are sets of internal waves, pollution at sea, and coatal phenomena.
Maps Perry-Castaneda Library Map Collection
An extensive collection of online maps of regions around the world; files are usually large and can be slow to download, but maps are excellent.
Reference CIA World Factbook 2001
Provides detailed information about specific countries, such as geography, population, land use, natural resources,etc.
OpenGIS Consortiun
OpenGIS Specifications
Click for for access to approved OpenGIS Abstract and Implementation Specifications
D. ISO TC211
Geomorphology from Space:A Global Overview of Regional Landforms
A good resource for teachers. This out of print book is available online and on CD-ROM; order CD from Goddard DAAC for free:daacuso@daac.gsfc.nasa.gov
Goddard Institute for Sapce Studies
GISS is a NASA facility that primarily studies global change. This site has extremely technical data on surface temperatures, vegetation, human population density, wetlands, ect.
Library of Congress Country Studies
This site includes descriptions of 85 countries. Each study is written by a multidiscplinary team of social scientists and includes sections on history, geography, economy, society, and others.
Mad Scientist Network
This is a fun, yet informative site where students can ask scientists questions. Already asked questions are available for viewing.
Catalogs Map Appeal:Earth & Sky Portraits
This catalog contains large satellite image prints of the Earth and of specific regions. It also includes antique maps,overhead transparencies of landforms, and more.call 1-800-363-0938.